Colin reflects on his experiences as a student teacher of secondary mathematics

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Is there anybody here?

Yes, there is, despite the lack of recent postings. The reasons are too boring to go into but include being busy (yeah, right, I never accepted that as an excuse when I was running a business, why should I get away with it?) and technology failure. I've also got a crit, sorry, Tutor Assisted Visit on Monday and need to plan for that as well as make a stab at some of the portfolio tasks for this placement before then. However, there will be some stuff coming up shortly.... I've got the notes, just haven't put fingertips to keypad yet.

So, all of you out there in readerland (and my stat counter suggests an unlikely number of return visitors), do come back again in a few days or so.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

One week down

Not a great deal to report, partly because I've not done as much teaching as I might have liked: class teachers wanting to finish off units of work before handing over, S5/6 off on study leave as they do their prelims. The lessons I have taught have been pretty good though, in my humble opinion of course. Love the school though. Great atmosphere, well-behaved pupils. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule but not that many I've spotted. Now trying to get my head round how I can do the research for my APD....

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

What's the big idea for maths education?

The truth is.... there is no big idea. Just David Cameron launching another publicity stunt.

Apparently Vorderman's brief is to make maths education "more cheerful and populist". Exactly what that means, I do not pretend to know. But if all the world's educators-of-educators have never thought to explore this area, well, I'd be very surprised. Vorderman's great at mental arithmetic. Precisely how she could contribute meaningfully to this topic is beyond me. But what do I know? I'm only a maths teacher.....