Colin reflects on his experiences as a student teacher of secondary mathematics

Friday, 2 January 2009

That's it

Assignment 1 is all but done. Big thanks to J for all her help with proofreading.

Final read through tomorrow and tart it up for submission.... you know, checking I've got the right line spacing, making sure the references is compliant (what is actually being tested here? My teaching skills? Ability to muster a logical argument? Nooooooo... whether or not I can follow some arcane set of rules for referencing. Sorry. Just a little bugbear of mine).

On a lighter note... we have to submit a copy electronically so it can be checked for plagiarism. Please do. I'm more than happy with that. But does anyone ever check the electronic copy against the paper version? Or could I submit a random string of text to be run through the plagiarism-checker? It's very tempting....... Just my warped sense of humour I guess.

Oh and happy new year everybody!

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